Saturday, 13 May 2017

OUIL603 - Nava Mantra

I began developing an image from here to meet their very specific ideals. Starting with the celtic knot design. Upon researching keltic knot design I learnt that it relies on symmetry, rendering a five headed dragon a lot more complex and probably out of their budget. Max agreed that four dragons would be fine giving me the go ahead.

Variations of the different dragons heads came first, including variants with differing; jaws, horns, mouth, teeth, eyes and smaller details. In Photoshop I drew over the original scanned Lino print reference image incorporating rough edged shapes from sections of old print work. I'm pleased with the different expressions achieved through adjusting the eyes. 

The heads were applied to the celtic knot design that I draw using rectangles and circles in Photoshop. I felt that the band might be slightly disappointed that I didn't want to draw a five headed dragon as there are five of them in the band. With this in mind I also sent in the next email - this variant (below) that attempts to incorporate a fifth dragon by suggesting a beast in the background. They didn't really like this idea however were very happy with the four dragons (above). 

I assumed that this would be resolved soon after considering their happy response, however the band wanted more development, including a textured background. 

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