The first run of pink panther t's went really well. I produced ten shirts in different sizes. I decided to print the design onto pink shirts as a sort of gimmick. The name 'Pink Panther' is of course reference to a film, cartoon and biscuits. These are not at all relevant, however the name has a great ring to it and Im told that pink is now in fashion for both men and women!
Difficultys discussed previously with regards to the sleeve prints were fiddly, however I am pleased with the results. I think the dags on the arms really compliment the design at the centre. There was a great reaction to the shirts both at my art markets / print fairs and on social media. All ten sold within three days!
I saw this as an opportunity to start making some money from my own personal work and began taking requests for sizes / different colour fabrics. It was great to have all these new people interested in my work and I made some decent money each shirt selling at £25+ selling over forty so far.
The Pink Panther brief has been very successful in my opinion, pushing my practice in all sorts of different directions. I've experimented more with drawing and collage, producing a very bold and shape based outcome that works well in a printed context. I've also been testing my screen printing abilities, learning how to overcome printing on different surfaces as well as experimentation with new printing mediums (printing light onto dark - above).
I'm not entirely sure what I was out to prove in comparing my practice to traditional tattoo design, however I have learnt that both encompass a strong use of shape. Regardless I now have a somewhat successful product to sell at future art markets and an interesting topic of conversation to have about the wether there is a link between my work and my tattoos / interest in tattoos.
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