Monday, 5 October 2015

About The Author

Having looked at the themes within the work of a few of the authors available I have narrowed my selection down to the following three:

Cormac McCarthy -

McCarthy interested me as I had already seen two films based on his work: 'The Road' and 'No Country For Old Men'. I'd also read 'The Road' a year or two ago. I was interested to look into his other work that had not been put into film. Having had a quick read of 'Blood Meridian' I found it hard to get too excited about and as much as I admire 'The Road' and 'No Country For Old Men' I'm not too keen on making work that could have been influenced by the films.

Douglas Adams -

I really like Douglas Adams's books. He's got a nuts imagination and an interesting sense of humour. Having read "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy' and 'The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe' I could have a head start of sorts. Another positive is that I am yet to see the Hitchhikers film. His made up dictionary of sorts "The Meaning Of Liff' interests me as well. A book of made up words made up definitions appears to be an ideal source to work with.

George Orwell -

Orwell's work is political. I'm not overly versed in any kind of politics really. Although as an illustration student I should be. Having read the blurb on some of his books, including '1984', I can see that I would learn a lot that would benefit my practice. I also read 'Animal Farm' a while ago and found that to be pretty fascinating.

After Much deliberation I've decided to make a start referring to Douglas Adams's books. I find the way he writes to be engaging, there is also a variety of themes for me to work with... 'The Meaning Of Liff' being the most exciting to me at the moment.

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