Monday, 19 October 2015

Adobe After Effects - Introduction 1

Proceeding the SB 2 briefing Adobe After Effects was introduced. The first session of three went over the basics. I'd heard After Effects being referred to as 'moving Photoshop' and I could see why, the software was relatively comfortable.

Starting a new file or 'composition' consisted of deciding on the size; selecting 'square pixels' and 25 frames per second, for this example. Also important to note the selection of 'PAL D1/DV widescreen square pixel'.

Similarly to Photoshop, After Effects makes use of layers. Creating a new layer is achieved by following; 'Layer', 'New Layer' and selecting a variety of layer (sticking to 'solid' layers in the early stages of learning the software)

Now that the layer is made it can be spotted within the composition as a shape and in the timeline (lower left). It's value within the animation can be seen as a red bar, this bar signifies the layers existence in terms of time within the animation. 

With the use of additional layers and adjusting the red bars made it possible to very quickly make a very basic animation. In order to preview the animation in real time I made use of the preview section of the righthand bar to make a RAM preview, this function makes background adjustments being the only way to be sure you are watching the animation in real time. 

I was also introduced to layer properties and key frames. These make it possible to change layers properties as time passes in the animation. Key frames were used to give a layer motion and efficiently fill the frames in between one position and another within the composition.

This very basic animation was the result of the session. Looking ahead to the fifteen minute sting the excitement / fear ratio looks more positive. Being able to work as I have today gives me comfort as having never used After Effects before I felt rather intimidated.

Adobe After Effects Introduction from on Vimeo.

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