Thursday, 10 March 2016

Responsive - Penguin Design Awards - Clockwork Orange

In order to echo the dark themes within the book I've chosen to use linocut as my main medium. I feel the textures I've achieved in the past with Lino will be appropriate. Initial roughs consist of basic shapes to help me think about how it'll work with the cuts. I also include few important icons from that I've taken from the book and admittedly a tiny bit from the film. 

Initially I planned to leave the bowler hats out as they are not mentioned in the book, however after a discussion with Ben I kept them. Having had experience working with 'A Clockwork Orange' Ben explained that including the hat was rather essential. I'm not entirely sure why this is although I'd guess that the bowler hats have become a recognisable symbol associated with the book even though it originates from the 1970's film.

Hats aside I think it's important to get Alex's favoured weapon, the razor, involved as well as the mask for added disturbance hopefully. I had considered leaving Alex off the cover, possibly avoiding a cliche, but after reading the book I had too many images of him in my mind to resist.

These last roughs considered composition more than the first. I understand that the brief is for a full jacket (including back) however I'm not a fan of covers with one image that fully wraps so I'll leave the spine and back of the cover separate. Before actually making the Lino cuts I can't be overly confident in the image I choose as these drawings are far from the result achieved with print.

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